Thursday, March 6, 2008

California dreaming on such a winter's day...

I don't even need California, I'd be happy to have sunshine and maybe 40 degree days? I think I'm getting a little too anxious for spring. Yesterday, it seemed nice (from inside my 68 degree house) so I put Megan in a spring jacket and we ran some errands...Well, it was still cold and a few (a very few) flakes fell by the end of our outing. The second time we went out we donned the ever-faithful pink snowsuit. Today, the sun was out so I checked the weather and it was only 32 degrees. I decided we'd walk anyway and so Megan got extra bundled and we went.

I think Megan likes to go for walks. I say I think because she remains mostly still and expressionless the whole time. No excitement, but no fussing either...I'm not sure what that means. I think she finds the whole experience mellowing. She even fell asleep on our walk today and remained asleep while I unbundled her and got her to bed.

Oh, did I mention that after I threatened to remove the snow shower curtain from our bathroom that it snowed 10 plus inches in the next 48 hours?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They're (who they are ...) predicting 3-6 inches over the next couple days here. We'll see if that really happens!